Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Should've Never

Mediocrity. Once upon a time, whenever I hear that word, I cringe. I cower in fear. I shiver. I am not a big fan of it and yet, I placed it here to introduce this post. So I lied. I didn't cringe or cowered in fear or shivered. And that brings me to go in-depth, to search deep and investigate why that particular word doesn't affect me at all. Here are my assumptions, written randomly and God only knows what else:

For the past two years, did I become numb to living in mediocrity?
Maybe I'm surrounded with mediocre people. Uh-oh.
I am not armed with powerful artillery of courage to face more challenging tasks.
Blech. Can't think of any.

This is alarming. I should stop being mediocre. I should explore the possibilities. After all, I'm already independent and about to get married, for crying out loud! I should maximize the positive energy circulating in my system or whatever's left of it.


*written while watching Typhoon Chedeng make a landfall